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1 to 1 Guided Self-help

The 1:1 Guided Self-Help Treatment is the main service of eGPS. By applying cognitive-behavioural theory to therapy, users can learn a simple way to alleviate their emotional distress. Our psychological well-being officers will prepare a suitable self-help workbook for you, and guide you to unfold emotion and learn to regulate emotion effectively.



單對單「指導式自助治療」 是 情緒 GPS 的服務重點,利用認知行為治療的原則,以簡單易學的方法去改善情緒。我們的心理健康主任會為您準備適合的自助手冊,並協助您逐步認識情緒的本質以及使用有效改善情緒的方法。


©2023 by New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Clinical Psychological Services.

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